How not doing this one simple thing is hindering your workout progress 

Hey guys, Gareth here – and I just wanted to talk to you about one thing I consider the missing puzzle piece in many of your gym workout routines. How NOT doing this one simple thing WILL be holding you back from progress, both in the gym and in the mirror.

Doing this one thing will do wonders for fat loss, strength, and how your muscles shape and build in response to your workouts. And will do wonders for reducing your injury potential and increasing longevity.

It's so simple I almost feel silly sharing it with you. But it's also the reason WHY I'm sharing it with you, because it's so super simple you could start doing it right away.

It's one of the many reasons my online coaching clients get results, because I FORCE them to do this every workout on their phones via my own App.

This one thing?

TRACKING and LOGGING your workouts.

Simple, right, and I feel like I've built this up too much. Especially if you're doing it already. But here's why and how you can do it (without me coaching you ;-))

The key to getting fitter, losing fat, gaining muscle, getting stronger, whatever your body goals, is progressive overload….

DOING MORE. Forcing (in a realistic and safe manner) your body to adapt, to burn calories, to get faster and stronger, to become more mobile and flexible. You have to force your body to think "crap this is hard I'd better do something about this". That's when through various mechanisms the body adapts, because it feels it needs to. There's a lot more science to it than that of course, but I'll save you from the boredom…for today anyway!

How do you know if you're getting better if you're not logging down your workouts and tracking your results!? By logging stuff down, like weight lifted, reps completed, distance ran, metres rowed, even how far you stretched etc etc. you can go back and check your last workout and try to match if not better yourself.

Force your body to adapt by making it compete with itself every workout!
Every workout it's YOU versus YOU!

One of the advantages of 1-2-1 personal training is that your personal trainer can log your numbers down for you, so can push you a little more every workout. One a side not this was one of the things that as a 1-2-1 trainer I have a freaky ability to memorise all of my client's weights, sets, reps, speed etc, yet I couldn't even remember my girlfriends birthday!! Remembering Christmas is even a push sometimes!! Good for my clients, but not for her!!!

For my online coaching client's, they get the ease and convenience of logging it in on their phones within my App so I can see and track them. See below for an example screenshot of how my clients can see their progress:

But one thing you can start doing today if you don't have this at your disposal is simply open up your phone, go to your notes section, write the date, what exercise you're doing, and what you managed.

Alternatively, you can buy a note pad and do similar. Create a page for each workout, draw a few vertical columns, with each column having the exercise, sets, reps, weight lifted and so on. Or for cardio, simply date, distance and time. No tracking information is useless information, I'd rather you over track and log things down than under track and be coasting your workouts just to "get by". You workout for a reason, so make the most of that precious time you spend in the gym.

Anyway, I really hope you start doing this, as it's such a powerful tool to start accelerating your progress, yet something so many of us forget to do.

Happy tracking 😊


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