Simplifying your post-workout nutrition

Hope your weekend is going swimmingly!

Post-workout supplements and protein shakes... 

Forget the marketing hype created by supplement companies, because in my experience this is what has lead to a lot of confusion as to what you should be having during and after your workouts. This video is going to save you some time, money and confusion...

Originally posted in my facebook group, this video simplifies everything for you If you don't want to listen however here are some of the key take-homes:

  • Your priority is protein intake after your workouts, ideally within 2 hours.
  • For cost and convenience protein shakes are usually the best option, whey protein or plant-based depending on dietary choices.
  • Add carbs if recovery and muscle gain is your priority.
  • Don't add carbs if fat loss is your priority.
  • The effective dose for an 80kg man is around 30g protein post workout. Beyond this there is no added benefit, but also no negative consequences. Your size and weight will change this number but this is the only research we have on effective post workout protein intake.
  • If you can't get in a post-workout meal then BCAA's can help to fill the gap, then you just eat when you can.
  • Watch the video for more info :-) 

Have a splendid day
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