
Snatch 10x2 Every 90 Seconds

Start at 70%. Add load after no fewer than two, no more than four good sets. Each set must be completed in a total of fifteen seconds or less, from the bar leaving the ground on the first rep to standing up with the second rep. These are not touch-and-go.


Push Press 5 @ 7, 5 @ 8, 5 @ 9, plus three down sets (load drop -10%)


Assault Bike
2:00 @ 6 + 2:00 @ 7 + 1:00 @ 8
4x35/25 Calories @ 9-10, rest 2:00 between efforts
4x20/15 Calories @ 9-10, rest 2:00 between efforts
5:00 @ 6

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