[New post] 161231

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Behind-The-Neck Jerk with 2 Count Pause in Split 5RM Notes The set must be completed in no more than thirty seconds total, from dipping to begin the first rep to standing fully with the fifth rep. Make sure the pause is a full two cou"

[New post] Don’t Fall For These Holiday Health Scams

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: "Oh, the holidays.  The 6 weeks out of the year between Thanksgiving and New Years when health and fitness scams are at an all time high.  Ate too many Christmas cookies? Lose all the weight and 10 lb more by following this diet!  Went a "

[New post] 161230

tzstrength posted: "Check out this episode of the StrongCast I was on! We discussed topics ranging from periodization to the importance of mindset to my biggest mistakes (spoiler: there's a lot of them). Weightlifting No Hands/No Feet Snatch 2-2-2, 3x2 Notes Bu"

[New post] 161229

tzstrength posted: "Endurance Row 60 minutes @ 22-26 strokes/minute + Surges @ 30 minute mark, begin eight sets of: 0:30 @ 32-34 strokes/minute 2:30 @ 22-26 strokes/minute Post results to comments."

[New post] Change the conversation 

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: "Talking to Isabelle, not saying "exercise so I don't feel fat", etc "

[New post] 161228

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Clean High Liftoff + 5 Count Eccentric + Clean 5x2, add 5-15lbs to your top weight from two weeks ago Notes Each set must be completed in no more than twenty-five seconds total, from breaking the first liftoff from the floor to standi"

[New post] Christmas craziness and back to running

Zoe posted: "Hope you had a nice relaxing Christmas. I popped up to the post with my husband to visit his family and it was chaotic as usual . I'm never used to having lots of people around so 7 adults and 3 kids and 2 babies was pretty full on! My mother in law has j"

[New post] 161227

tzstrength posted: "Strength Back Squat 6x6, use 90% of 8RM Sport 1) For Time: 21-15-9 Strict Handstand Pushup, 3"/2" Deficit Alternate With 7-5-3 Legless Rope Climb, 15' Ascent 2) AMRAP 14: 15 Calories Assault Bike 12 Toes-to-Bar 9 Dumbbell Clean & Jer"

[New post] 161226

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Snatch with 3 Count Pause in Squat 5x3, add 5-15lbs to your top weight from two weeks ago Notes Each set must be completed in no more than twenty-five seconds total, from breaking the first rep from the floor to standing with the thir"