Check out this episode of the StrongCast I was on! We discussed topics ranging from periodization to the importance of mindset to my biggest mistakes (spoiler: there's a lot of them).


No Hands/No Feet Snatch 2-2-2, 3x2

Build over the first three sets to a weight which is challenging, but manageable. Repeat that weight for the remaining three sets. Each set must be completed in no more than ten seconds total, from breaking the first rep from the floor to standing with the second. Do not touch-and-go.


Deadlift 4x4, use 80% of 8RM

Gymnastics Endurance

2:00 Max Handstand Pushups
2:00 Rest
1:30 Max Handstand Pushups
1:30 Rest
1:00 Max Handstand Pushups

2016 Open Standard.


5 Rounds For Time:
20 Wall Ball, 20#/14# to 10'
20 Back Extensions

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