
Snatch High Liftoff + 5 Count Eccentric + Snatch 2-2-2, 3x2

Build over the first three sets to a weight which is challenging, but manageable. Repeat that weight for the remaining three sets. Each set must be completed in no more than twenty-five seconds total, from breaking the first liftoff from the floor to standing with the second Snatch. Make sure that the eccentric is a full five count. Do not touch-and-go the Snatch.


Push Press 10 @ 7, 10 @ 8, 10 @ 9, plus one down set (load drop -10%)


Jog 800m
3x50' High Knees + 50' Buttkickers + 50' Carioca
3x10m Sprint Start
1x100m hard run
4x100m Sprint, rest 2:00 between efforts
4x50m Sprint, rest 2:00 between efforts
Jog 800m

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