
Behind-The-Neck Jerk with 2 Count Pause in Split 5x5, add 5-10lbs to last week's top weight

Each set must be completed in no more than thirty seconds total, from dipping to begin the first rep to standing fully with the fifth rep. Make sure the pause is a full two count.


Back Squat 5x4, use 85% of last week's 8 @ 9 load


1) Every 5 minutes for 5 sets:
10 Kettlebell Snatch, 24kg/16kg, left arm
10 Kettlebell Snatch, 24kg/16kg, right arm
300' Suicide Sprint (75' out and back, 50' out and back, 25' out and back)

2) 5 Rounds For Time:
30 Pushups
30 GHD Sit-Ups
30 Hip Extensions

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