
1) Tall Snatch + Snatch from Hip + Snatch from Blocks 40%x1x2, 45%x1x2, 50%x1x2
2) Snatch from Blocks 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x2x2 (x 2)


1) 8 minutes practicing L-Hold to Tuck Planche on Parallettes
2) 8 minutes volume accumulation: Strict Chest-to-Bar Chins

L-Hold to Tuck Planche: Begin in a strong L-Hold with the hamstrings slightly above parallel with the floor. Pull the hips and legs back through the arms, until you reach the planche position. Pause briefly and then return to the L-Hold.
Chins: Supinated Grip. Maintain strong hollow throughout full range, do not break position to initiate the pull. Briefly pause at top. The repetition is counted upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom, not when the chest contacts the bar at the top. If you completed more than 48 repetitions in the last iteration of this piece, add 5-10lbs.


12-9-6 For Time:
Power Snatch, 155#/105#
Full Range Handstand Pushups

HSPU: Shoulders to depth of hands.

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