
Clean Pull + Power Clean + Jerk, 1-1-1, 3x1

Build over the first three sets. The weight you used on the third set should be repeated for the remaining three sets. Aim to find a weight which is challenging, but manageable with sound mechanics. These should be obvious powers, not I-need-instant-replay-to-make-sure-I-was-above-parallel-powers.


1) 5 Rounds For Time:
Run 800m
30 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg/16kg
30 Wall Ball, 20#/14# to 10'

2) 5 Rounds For Time:
15 Pushups
100' Standing Arm-Over-Arm Sled Drag, +90#/50#
50' Handstand Walk


Full Range Calf Raise w/10 Second Eccentric, 3x8-10

Stand on a plate or other surface so that your calf is stretched with your heel on the floor. Perform a calf raise to the top, pause, then conduct a 10 second eccentric. Perform 8-10 reps, prioritizing the length of the eccentric. Do not add weight to this exercise until the soreness from doing it with bodyweight is mild.