
The next macrocycle of TZ Strength Affiliate Programming begins on 160912. The beginning of the macrocycle is the best time to get on board, so what are you waiting for? Fill out this form to get started!


Handstand Hold, 5 Sets
Goal is 5 x 30 second hold with no hand movement


Row 6k Time Trial


Press 5-5-5-5-5-5, add 5lbs to each of your sets from last week

First set = +5lbs from last week's 5 @ 7
Second set = +5lbs from last week's 5 @ 8
Third set = +5lbs from last week's 5 @ 9
Fourth-Sixth sets = +5lbs from last week's load drop sets


For Time:
10 Strict Press, 155#/75#
15 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pullups
10 Push Press, 185#/115#
30 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
10 Power Jerk, 225#/145#
50 Pullups

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