
1) Snatch Without Hook Grip 50%x3, 55%x2, 60%x2, 65%x1x3
2) Snatch 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x1


5 Sets:
3 Strict Chest-to-Ring Pullups
3-5 Ice Cream Maker into Muscle-Up Transition Rock
1-3 Strict Muscle-Ups

Ice Cream Maker into Transition Rock: Start in a strong hollow hang with false grip. Pull up until your clavicle clears the bottom of the rings, with the chest in contact with the ring. Pause briefly before returning to the hollow hang. At the top of the third pullup, pause and perform the ice cream maker into transition rocks. Then return to the hollow hang, and perform 1-3 strict muscle-ups with sound mechanics. Each rep is counted upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom, not upon locking out at the top.


Run 4x1000m @ 9, rest 1:2

Gymnastics Accessory

5x10 Pike-Up

Feet on the seat of a rower or a steel 5lb plate. Hands in pushup position. Engaging the abs and hip flexors, pull your feet up towards your hands. Get as close as possible to the hands. Pause at the top, then return to the start position, keeping the movement controlled.

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