
Clean from 2" Deficit 2-2-2, 3x2

Build over the first three sets. The weight you used on the third set should be repeated for the remaining three sets. Aim to find a weight which is challenging, but manageable with sound mechanics.

Accessory Circuit

Every 4 Minutes x 4 Sets:
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Behind-The-Neck Press
30-60 Second Hollow Hold

RDL and BTN Press: The goal for both movements is to complete the set uninterruped, and to be able to control the eccentric on every rep. The weight should be heavy enough to allow this, but to require focus and effort to do so. Use the narrowest grip you can for the BTN press which still feels strong and comfortable on your shoulders.


For Time:
21-15-9 Deadlift, 155#/105#
Alternate With
3-2-1 Legless Rope Climb, 15' Ascent


1) Supine Grip Barbell Row 4x10
2) Front Delt Raise 3x10
3) Lateral Delt Raise 3x10
4) Rear Delt Fly 3x10
5) Biceps Curls 3x10
6) Overhead Triceps Extensions 3x10

Supine Grip Barbell Row: Set up with a closer to vertical back angle than a Pendlay row. As the bar passes your knees, sweep it in so that it drags up your thighs and makes contact with the lower stomach. Work with the lats. Don't let your shoulders/traps shrug up around your neck.

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