
1) Tall Snatch + Snatch from Hip + Snatch from Blocks 40%x1x2, 45%x1x2, 50%x1x2
2) Snatch from Blocks 70%x3, 75%x3 80%x2


1) 8 sets:
45 seconds Handstand Walk
60 seconds rest

2) 10 minutes volume accumulation:
Strict Rope Climb, 15' ascent

Handstand Walk: Your focus is on accumulating volume with excellent mechanics. Keep all sets submaximal and controlled.
Rope Climb: Begin from seated. Legs hang motionless, do not use them for momentum. The rep is counted upon returning, under control, to the seated position, not upon contacting the top of the rope. For scaling, reduce the height of the climb. (f you completed more than 10 repetitions in the last iteration of this piece, scale up to an L-Hold climb (the L must be held all the way to the seated position). If you were already doing L-Hold climbs, and completed more than 8 repetitions, scale up to two strict touch-and-go climbs (immediately upon returning to the seated position, reverse direction and initiate a second climb).


10 Pushups
10 Box Jumps, 30"/24"
10 Toes-to-Bar

Pushups: Using standard 1.5" athletic tape, mark two vertical lines 3" outside the widest point of your chest when you lie on the floor. With your feet elevated on a rower and touching each other, and your hands inside the lines (fingers may go over, palms may not) lower yourself until your chest touches the ground, and then achieve full lockout without dropping your knees.

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