
1) Competition Pull + Snatch 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x1 (x 2)
2) Snatch Grip Push Press 3x1 @ 90% of 3RM load


8 minutes volume accumulation:
Strict Chest-to-Wall Handstand Pushups

Narrow grip. As you descend, move at an angle away from the wall, so that at the bottom, your head and hands form a tripod. If you completed more than 48 repetitions in the last iteration of this piece, add a deficit.


15-12-9 For Time:
Clean & Jerk, 155#/105#

Gymnastics Accessory

8 minutes volume accumulation:
Strict Toes-to-Bar

Control the movement in both directions. Count the rep upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom of the rep, not when the toes come into contact with the bar at the top of the rep.

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