
1) Snatch 1RM
2) @ 0:00 – Every 30 seconds x 10 sets: 2 Touch-and-Go Power Snatch, 135#/95#, – @ 5:30: Max Power Snatches in 60 seconds, 135#/95#
3) Snatch Balance 1RM

Power Snatch: Do not pace the 60 second effort. Push to absolute maximum.


Back Squat 1RM


1 x Max Unbroken Muscle-Ups


Assault Bike 2000m
Max Dumbbell Squat Snatch in 1:30, 60#/40#, alternating

Rest 5 Minutes

Assault Bike 1500m
Max Dumbbell Squat Snatch in 1:00, 60#/40#, alternating

Rest 4 Minutes

Assault Bike 1000m
Max Dumbbell Squat Snatch in 0:30, 60#/40#, alternating

Rest 3 Minutes

Assault Bike 1500m
Max Dumbbell Squat Snatch in 1:00, 60#/40#, alternating
Rest 4 Minutes

Assault Bike 2000m
Max Dumbbell Squat Snatch in 1:30, 60#/40#, alternating

Your score for this workout is your total biking time, minus two seconds for every snatch completed. The clock for your snatches begins precisely five seconds after you complete the prescribed bike distance, i.e. if you finish the 2000m bike at 3:00, your dumbbell snatch clock begins at 3:05, to allow for transition time.

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