[New post] 160601

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Snatch 70-80%x2x6 2) Snatch Competition Pull from Deficit, 75%x3, 80%x3, 85%x3x3 3) Hang Clean 4x2, add 5-10lbs to last week's top triple Notes Snatch: Your focus is on making crisp, snappy lifts all the way through. Gymnastic"

[New post] Low Carb High Fats and Running

Zoe posted: "I've been running since 2001, and even before then I exercised. Exercise and diet have always been very important to me.  For many years I have eaten healthily and run a lot but yet I have always felt that has never been representative in how I look. I ev"

[New post] 160531

tzstrength posted: "Strength 1) Back Squat 6-6-6-6-6, add 5-10lbs to each of your sets from last week 2) Dip Belt Squat 4 x 2 reps from failure, add weight from last week if you completed more than ten good reps per set Sport 5 Rounds For Time: Run 400m 10 Kett"

Are your healthy snacks lying to you...?

Are your healthy snacks lying to you...?

If you're not doing it already, you SHOULD right now be aiming to snack a couple of times per day on something healthy, and with a little protein hit. Since this keeps your metabolism ticking over, and stops your blood sugar levels from dipping.

Plus, protein keeps your hunger and even cravings at bay, right?

Well not exactly!

Contrary to what you might have been told; your protein snack may not be making you "feel fuller for longer". Certain 'healthy' food companies throw this claim around all the time to help market their products. I'm sure you've seen at least one advert where the 'healthy' product claims to help you stay filler for longer, and maybe thought it'd make a good snack.

The truth is research has shown it would take at least 30g of protein in one meal for there to be a satiating effect from it.... That's around 5 eggs, or a descent size chicken breast!!

Now I'm guessing you're not getting your 30g of protein in your snacks, your handful of almonds, your yogurt, your boiled egg, definitely not in your piece of fruit...

Here's the solution I recommend:

Make your snacks a little larger, whilst making your meals a little smaller. And spread your protein....

1. First work out how many grams of protein you should be eating every day, as a starting point eat your weight in LBS daily in grams of protein (or kg x 2.2), and this'll give you your daily total. So a 200lb (91kg) man would start at 200g per day, wether trying to drop fat or even gain muscle.

2. Decide how many meals and snacks (including protein shakes etc) you're going to eat every day. 3-4-5-6, it actually makes no difference.

3. Let's say our man eats 5 meals/snacks, I'm going to divide his 200g of protein by 5, so that's 40g.

As a result I'm going to tell our man here that each meal or snack, he's going to have to have 40g of protein in it, snacks will have a little less, while main meals may have a little more. Either way this'll be the easiest and most effective way to make sure that:

1. The daily total it hit
2. The protein requirement per meal/snack is hit
3. Your optimising your nutrition to give you greater and faster results

This holiday Monday consider your snacks for the week, and make sure you're hitting your totals. Snack smart!
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

[New post] 160530

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Hang Snatch 5x2, add 5-10lbs to last week's top triple 2) Snatch Grip Push Press 5-5-5-5-5, add 5-10lbs to each of your sets from last week 3) Jerk 4x2, add 5-10lbs to last week's top triple Gymnastics 5 Sets: 3 Strict Chest"

3 Things you Need to know about Carbs for a Summer Six-Pack...

3 Things you Need to know about Carbs for a Summer Six-Pack...


Hope you're having an awesome fitness-filled weekend!

Now, everyone wants a bit of a six-pack; guys want a set of deeply etched abs, while most girls seek to have some lean yet feminine 'lines' to show off.

Either way whatever your goals it takes effort, hard work and a little bit of know-how in order to achieve. Carb education is one of these. On that note here are 3 quick tips you NEED to know about Carbs to get you one step closer to that summer six-pack:

1. A recent study at the university of Surrey discovered that for guys, munching on some carbs before workouts could decrease the amount of fat burned post-workout for up to 3 hours. The same couldn't be said for girls though, since pre-workout carbs actually ENHANCED the amount of post-workout fat they burned!!! I think guys drew the short straw here!!!

2. Watch your total carbs! Having less than 100g of carbs in your daily diet is considered "low carb". Less than 50g and you're on a "low carb ketogenic" diet. Simply, dropping your carbs to less than 100g per day will among other things help to keep your insulin levels under control. High insulin levels would normally hinder your fat burning potential, so the aim is to keep this super hormone under control for when you most need it (see fact 3). It's true, carbs really can become the enemy when you're trying to get rid of that extra bit of stubborn fat, especially when it's that little bit covering up the six-pack you know you have underneath.

3. Allocate a big chunk of your carbs to use in the post-workout 'window'. Carbs definitely aren't your enemy, but when you're trying to get that summer six-pack you need to target when you use them, so they're put towards recovery and building lean mass, rather than hindering fat loss. When dropping fat you should also be striving to gain strength and lean muscle at the same time. This way when it comes to getting super lean you've got a deeply etched set of abs to unveil rather than just a set of ribs. Include around 25-50g of carbs in your post-workout shake to maximise the insulin response, helping to shuttle those important nutrients towards your muscles. Just on another note for every 1/2kg of muscle you carry your body could be burning an extra around 50 calories per day, just doing nothing. That's an easy 50 calories burned I'd say, so get on building that lean mass.

You have a great weekend!
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

[New post] Whispering Winners – Sha Tin Tips 

clintonbickley posted: "#ShaTin *We back the Top to horses to show a profit and use the other 2 selections for Exotics. *Best Rated Races are those we think out Top 2 horses have the best chance of winning.      Top 2. Exotics R1-6/1. 8/2 Best R2-9/6"

[New post] 160529

tzstrength posted: "Rest Day"

Try this 2-minute body shred [for when you can't get to the gym]...

Try this 2-minute body shred [for when you can't get to the gym]...

I wrote an article the other day about how 15-minute workouts are only a useful tool, if that's all the time you've got to spare at the gym. But what about if you can't manage to get to the gym at all?

Well here's my solution, and actually it's one that might even be more effective than doing a whole hour-long workout, when done occasionally.

I call it the YPL workout....

'Y' and 'P' stand for 'Y-Reach Push-Up', and the 'L' stands for 'Lunge'.

Now, this sounds pretty simple; and it is, but basically the aim is to allocate just 2-minutes 6-times per day to do the following:

1. Do as many Y-Reach Push-Ups as you can in 1-minute. Perform the lowering phase of the push-up in 2 seconds, allow the chest to touch the floor, reach your arms out forward to perform a 'Y' shape with the arms and hold for 1-second, return the hands to the shoulders to press yourself back in to the start of the push up position. That's one rep, so just keep going for 1-minute, squeezing every muscle as hard as you can on every rep (I'm pictured doing this exercise above).

2. Then immediately perform a Forward Alternating Lunge for 1-minute. I hope I don't need to describe these, but keep your arms in the prisoner position hands behind the ears and keep alternating legs as you lunge forward to a 90 degree knee bend.

So it's as simple as that. Just 2-minutes, 6-times per day. That's it!

So how does this YPL routine work? Well basically what's happening is that these movements are allowing you to hit the whole body in 2-minutes using a challenging way that makes the most of your own bodyweight. So that means the YPL routine can literally be done anywhere.

Secondly, and specifically why this routine actually works is that repeating these for 2-minutes, 6-times per day will create an environment in your body that allows your fat burning 'switch' to stay on all day. It's giving the body little jump starts in your metabolism throughout the day, ultimately leading to more fat burning.

The method also enhances shuttling of anabolic and muscle building nutrients towards the muscles multiple times throughout day, increasing insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and muscle building potential. You'll also get a little pump on throughout periods of the day, and who would complain about that.

Only downside is that if you're stuck in an office working all day, you might want to take some body spray with you. By the end of the day you might be a little pungent. Nobody wants to be smelling that bro!

By no means is the YPL a replacement for smashing out a good workout, but it could be used every once in a while to give your body and your results an extra boost.

Give it a try!

P.s in case you missed it, my new 70-Day body transformation guide THE METABOLIC EDGE was released yesterday night, and the feedback already has been amazing. If you haven't got your copy yet, and are ready to take on a new body challenge, then take a look and see how it can help you.

Yours in fitness,
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom