Weather and emotional chaos the last few a few pics from saturday to monday! 

Saturday started with lazy morning at home. I bought filippa new ipad games from Wonderkind, highly recommended, and she was busy for an hour. Then we went on murmeltier hunt, without success unfortunately. Instead we saw sheep and paragliders!  We caught the bus and went to next adventure. Marzipans amazing Chinderfäscht. All of a sudden it was summer and filippa took a swim in the only "pool" offered in Zermatt. Real tragic, but true...te summer was gone again on sunday but we stayed in summerfeelings and made a really yummi summercake!!! Invited friends for coffee and had a really nice afternoon. 

Monday morning and we wake up to this: 

II get SO ANGRY, and it really burns i  my heart when nature fools me like this. I curse that i live in a place where this will basically always happen in may. Going from summer to winter in two days i something that is "normal" in the alps. But i HATE IT! Luckily we had fun plans for the afternoon. After work and marzipan we went down to brig to get opas new cat! Dont have a pic yet, but it is very cute! 

Over and out