I've Cracked It... Healthy High Protein Meringue Recipe!

I've Cracked It... Healthy High Protein Meringue Recipe!

I've cracked it! In fact I've been cracking a lot of eggs just to come up with a healthy high protein meringue recipe, that actually tasted good! So here I am finally sharing it with you:


- 6 egg whites
- 2 cups of either sliced strawberries or raspberries
- 2 TBS truvia/stevia (or sweetener of choice)
- 3 scoops vanilla or strawberry protein powder
- 1/4 TSP cream of tartar
- A little water

Preheat your oven to 120 Celsius (250 Fahrenheit). In a large (preferably glass) mixing bowl whisk the 6 egg whites with the cream of tartar and 2 TBS of truvia, until the egg whites become fluffy with a stiff peak. An electric whisk works well here, but a good arms workout with a manual whisk can't be beaten! Scoop this mixture out in to two even meringue 'nests', on a few pieces of baking paper.

Bake in the middle of the oven for around 5-10 minutes, or until lightly golden brown. Take out to let cool fully.

Place your berries of choice in a bowl with the protein powder, mixing well. Add in a little water at a time until the mixture becomes creamy.

As a personal recommendation i'd always use Musclemousse for a recipe like this as it gives a creamier texture. If using Musclemousse just make the mousse as per instructions and then mix the berries in. Alternatively any protein powder will do the job though.

Pour the mixture over the top of the cooled meringue, making a sandwich and then get it down ya!

I made a large meringue and added a little homemade strawberry coulis, but that's just me! Trust me I've made less pretty ones in the past though!

The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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