3 Things you Need to know about Carbs for a Summer Six-Pack...

3 Things you Need to know about Carbs for a Summer Six-Pack...


Hope you're having an awesome fitness-filled weekend!

Now, everyone wants a bit of a six-pack; guys want a set of deeply etched abs, while most girls seek to have some lean yet feminine 'lines' to show off.

Either way whatever your goals it takes effort, hard work and a little bit of know-how in order to achieve. Carb education is one of these. On that note here are 3 quick tips you NEED to know about Carbs to get you one step closer to that summer six-pack:

1. A recent study at the university of Surrey discovered that for guys, munching on some carbs before workouts could decrease the amount of fat burned post-workout for up to 3 hours. The same couldn't be said for girls though, since pre-workout carbs actually ENHANCED the amount of post-workout fat they burned!!! I think guys drew the short straw here!!!

2. Watch your total carbs! Having less than 100g of carbs in your daily diet is considered "low carb". Less than 50g and you're on a "low carb ketogenic" diet. Simply, dropping your carbs to less than 100g per day will among other things help to keep your insulin levels under control. High insulin levels would normally hinder your fat burning potential, so the aim is to keep this super hormone under control for when you most need it (see fact 3). It's true, carbs really can become the enemy when you're trying to get rid of that extra bit of stubborn fat, especially when it's that little bit covering up the six-pack you know you have underneath.

3. Allocate a big chunk of your carbs to use in the post-workout 'window'. Carbs definitely aren't your enemy, but when you're trying to get that summer six-pack you need to target when you use them, so they're put towards recovery and building lean mass, rather than hindering fat loss. When dropping fat you should also be striving to gain strength and lean muscle at the same time. This way when it comes to getting super lean you've got a deeply etched set of abs to unveil rather than just a set of ribs. Include around 25-50g of carbs in your post-workout shake to maximise the insulin response, helping to shuttle those important nutrients towards your muscles. Just on another note for every 1/2kg of muscle you carry your body could be burning an extra around 50 calories per day, just doing nothing. That's an easy 50 calories burned I'd say, so get on building that lean mass.

You have a great weekend!
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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