
1) Tall Snatch 3-3-3, 2x3
2) Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch, build to top set, then 90%x1x3
3) Clean & Jerk 70-75%x2x5

Tall Snatch: Build over the first three sets. The weight you used on the third set should be repeated for the remaining two sets. Aim to find a weight which is challenging, but manageable with sound mechanics.
Snatch Complex: Percentage for down sets based on today's top set.

Clean & Jerk: Your focus is on making crisp, snappy lifts all the way through.


As Far As Possible in 8 Minutes:
3 Overhead Squats, 135#/95#
3 GHD Sit-Ups
6 Overhead Squats
6 GHD Sit-Ups
9 Overhead Squats
9 GHD Sit-Ups


6 minutes volume accumulation:
Strict Toes-to-Bar

Control the movement in both directions.
Count the rep upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom of the rep, not when the toes come into contact with the bar at the top of the rep.

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