
1) Hang Snatch 5x2, add 5-10lbs to last week's top triple
2) Snatch Grip Push Press 5-5-5-5-5, add 5-10lbs to each of your sets from last week
3) Jerk 4x2, add 5-10lbs to last week's top triple


5 Sets:
3 Strict Chest-to-Ring Pullups
3-5 Muscle-Up Transition Rocks
1-3 Strict Muscle-Ups

Start in a strong hollow hang with false grip. Pull up until your clavicle clears the bottom of the rings, with the chest in contact with the ring. Pause briefly before returning to the hollow hang. At the top of the third pullup, pause and perform the transition rocks. Then return to the hollow hang, and perform 1-3 strict muscle-ups with sound mechanics. Each rep is counted upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom, not upon locking out at the top.

Lactate Endurance

Row 10 x 60 seconds @ 9/60 seconds moving recovery

Gymnastics Accessory

5 x 10 Arch/Hollow Rolls

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