Are your healthy snacks lying to you...?

Are your healthy snacks lying to you...?

If you're not doing it already, you SHOULD right now be aiming to snack a couple of times per day on something healthy, and with a little protein hit. Since this keeps your metabolism ticking over, and stops your blood sugar levels from dipping.

Plus, protein keeps your hunger and even cravings at bay, right?

Well not exactly!

Contrary to what you might have been told; your protein snack may not be making you "feel fuller for longer". Certain 'healthy' food companies throw this claim around all the time to help market their products. I'm sure you've seen at least one advert where the 'healthy' product claims to help you stay filler for longer, and maybe thought it'd make a good snack.

The truth is research has shown it would take at least 30g of protein in one meal for there to be a satiating effect from it.... That's around 5 eggs, or a descent size chicken breast!!

Now I'm guessing you're not getting your 30g of protein in your snacks, your handful of almonds, your yogurt, your boiled egg, definitely not in your piece of fruit...

Here's the solution I recommend:

Make your snacks a little larger, whilst making your meals a little smaller. And spread your protein....

1. First work out how many grams of protein you should be eating every day, as a starting point eat your weight in LBS daily in grams of protein (or kg x 2.2), and this'll give you your daily total. So a 200lb (91kg) man would start at 200g per day, wether trying to drop fat or even gain muscle.

2. Decide how many meals and snacks (including protein shakes etc) you're going to eat every day. 3-4-5-6, it actually makes no difference.

3. Let's say our man eats 5 meals/snacks, I'm going to divide his 200g of protein by 5, so that's 40g.

As a result I'm going to tell our man here that each meal or snack, he's going to have to have 40g of protein in it, snacks will have a little less, while main meals may have a little more. Either way this'll be the easiest and most effective way to make sure that:

1. The daily total it hit
2. The protein requirement per meal/snack is hit
3. Your optimising your nutrition to give you greater and faster results

This holiday Monday consider your snacks for the week, and make sure you're hitting your totals. Snack smart!
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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