Try this 2-minute body shred [for when you can't get to the gym]...

Try this 2-minute body shred [for when you can't get to the gym]...

I wrote an article the other day about how 15-minute workouts are only a useful tool, if that's all the time you've got to spare at the gym. But what about if you can't manage to get to the gym at all?

Well here's my solution, and actually it's one that might even be more effective than doing a whole hour-long workout, when done occasionally.

I call it the YPL workout....

'Y' and 'P' stand for 'Y-Reach Push-Up', and the 'L' stands for 'Lunge'.

Now, this sounds pretty simple; and it is, but basically the aim is to allocate just 2-minutes 6-times per day to do the following:

1. Do as many Y-Reach Push-Ups as you can in 1-minute. Perform the lowering phase of the push-up in 2 seconds, allow the chest to touch the floor, reach your arms out forward to perform a 'Y' shape with the arms and hold for 1-second, return the hands to the shoulders to press yourself back in to the start of the push up position. That's one rep, so just keep going for 1-minute, squeezing every muscle as hard as you can on every rep (I'm pictured doing this exercise above).

2. Then immediately perform a Forward Alternating Lunge for 1-minute. I hope I don't need to describe these, but keep your arms in the prisoner position hands behind the ears and keep alternating legs as you lunge forward to a 90 degree knee bend.

So it's as simple as that. Just 2-minutes, 6-times per day. That's it!

So how does this YPL routine work? Well basically what's happening is that these movements are allowing you to hit the whole body in 2-minutes using a challenging way that makes the most of your own bodyweight. So that means the YPL routine can literally be done anywhere.

Secondly, and specifically why this routine actually works is that repeating these for 2-minutes, 6-times per day will create an environment in your body that allows your fat burning 'switch' to stay on all day. It's giving the body little jump starts in your metabolism throughout the day, ultimately leading to more fat burning.

The method also enhances shuttling of anabolic and muscle building nutrients towards the muscles multiple times throughout day, increasing insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and muscle building potential. You'll also get a little pump on throughout periods of the day, and who would complain about that.

Only downside is that if you're stuck in an office working all day, you might want to take some body spray with you. By the end of the day you might be a little pungent. Nobody wants to be smelling that bro!

By no means is the YPL a replacement for smashing out a good workout, but it could be used every once in a while to give your body and your results an extra boost.

Give it a try!

P.s in case you missed it, my new 70-Day body transformation guide THE METABOLIC EDGE was released yesterday night, and the feedback already has been amazing. If you haven't got your copy yet, and are ready to take on a new body challenge, then take a look and see how it can help you.

Yours in fitness,
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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