
1) Snatch + Power Snatch 1-1-1, 3x1
2) @ 0:00 – Every 30 seconds x 10 sets: 2 Touch-and-Go Power Snatch, 135#/95# – @ 5:30 – Max Power Snatches in 60 seconds, 135#/95#

Snatch + Power Snatch: Build over the first three sets. The weight you used on the third set should be repeated for the remaining three sets. Aim to find a weight which is challenging, but manageable with sound mechanics. The power snatch should be an obvious power, not I-need-instant-replay-to-make-sure-I-was-above-parallel-powers.
Barbell Cycling: Do not pace the 60 second effort. Push to absolute maximum.


Back Squat 6RM x 2 Reps from Failure x 4


Strict Muscle-Up, 5 Sets
Your goal is to complete 5 unbroken sets of 5 perfectly controlled reps


2016 Regionals Events 3/4

@ 0:00

For Time:
104 Wall Ball
52 Pullups

@ 6:00

@ 7:00

4 Rounds For Time:
28 One Legged Squats, alternating
15 Hang Power Cleans, 115#/80#

@ 17:00

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