I'm going to be recording some videos talking about some important aspects of fitness sport programming. Here's the first one, discussing the importance of phasic structure for strength training:

Got topics you want me to cover? Let me know in comments on this post (not on YouTube, since I've disabled comments, for obvious reasons.)


1) Snatch + Hang Snatch, build to max, then 3-4x1 @ 85-90%
2) Snatch High Pull 90%x2x2, 95%x2x2, 100%x2x2

Snatch High Pull: This exercise is only beneficial if it can be performed in a way that mimics the positions, rhythm, speed, and timing of the actual lift. If you are unable to do this with the prescribed loads, adjust accordingly.


Back Squat 6RM +10lbs x 2 Reps from Failure x 4


CrossFit Games Regionals Event 16.7

For Time:
21-15-9 Thruster, 95#/65#
Alternate With
3-2-1 Legless Rope Climb, 15' Ascent

Follow 2016 Regionals standards as closely as possible, including 6 minute timecap.

Post results to comments.