
1) Power Snatch + Snatch 5x1, add 5-10lbs to your top weight from two weeks ago
2) Overhead Squat 3 @ 7, 3 @ 8, 3 @ 9, plus two down sets (load drop -10%)


1) Back Squat 6RM +10lbs x 1 Rep from Failure x 4
2) Front Squat 1 x Max Reps @ 255#/160#

Front Squat: Do not sacrifice mechanics for more repetitions. You must be able to control the eccentric on every rep (it must be the same speed or slower than the concentric). If you completed more than 20 repetitions last time you did this, or are likely to do so today, add weight.


1) For Time:
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Power Snatch, 135#/95#

2) 5 Rounds For Time:
10 Kettlebell Clean & Jerk, 24kg/16kg. left arm
10 Kettlebell Clean & Jerk, 24kg/16kg, right arm
15 Handstand Pushups

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