
Power Clean + Clean + Jerk 60%x1x4


For Time:
42 GHD Sit-Ups
21 Deadlifts, 315#/205#
12 Muscle-Ups
30 GHD Sit-Ups
15 Deadlifts
9 Muscle-Ups
18 GHD Sit-Ups
9 Deadlifts
6 Muscle-Ups


For Total Time:
50/40 Calories Row
Rest 3 Minutes
40/30 Calories Row
Rest 2 Minutes
30/20 Calories Row
Rest 1 Minute
20/10 Calories Row


Full Range Calf Raise w/10 Second Eccentric, 3-4x8-10

Stand on a plate or other surface so that your calf is stretched with your heel on the floor. Perform a calf raise to the top, pause, then conduct a 10 second eccentric. Perform 8-10 reps, prioritizing the length of the eccentric. If this is your first time performing this exercise, do not add weight until the soreness from doing it with bodyweight is mild.