[New post] 161201

tzstrength posted: "The next macrocycle of TZ Strength programming begins this coming Monday, December 5th. This macrocycle will carry us all the way through the 2017 Open! If you're looking for a program that will help you improve on your weaknesses without sacrificing t"

[New post] 161130

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Clean 1RM Strength Deadlift 1RM Gymnastics Bar Muscle-Ups Perform reps to 2-3 reps shy of failure Rest 30 seconds Perform reps to 1-2 reps shy of failure Rest 30 seconds Perform reps to failure Rest 5 minutes, repeat "

[New post] 161129

tzstrength posted: "Strength Push Press 1RM Gymnastics Endurance 5 Rounds For Time: 15 Toes-to-Bar 5 Strict Handstand Pushups + 10 Handstand Pushups, unbroken Sport 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Bar Muscle-Ups 10 Burpees, touch target 6-8" outside max reach End"

[New post] Getting back into running after moving to a new area

Zoe posted: "Whatever it is in life we are doing where there are other people involved, there is one thing we tend to want, and that is acceptance. Moving to a new area, starting a new job and even something as simple as finding people to run with can be stressful, an"

[New post] 161128

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Snatch 1RM 2) @ 0:00 – Every 30 seconds x 10 sets: 2 Touch-and-Go Power Snatch, 135#/95#, – @ 5:30: Max Power Snatches in 60 seconds, 135#/95# 3) Snatch Balance 1RM Notes Power Snatch: Do not pace the 60 second effort. Push to ab"

[New post] 161127

tzstrength posted: "Rest Day"

[New post] 161126

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Jerk 1RM 2) Shoulder-to-Overhead 1 x Max Reps @ 225#/135# Notes Max reps: You must be able to lower the bar to your shoulders without letting it crash on you. Terminate the set if you are unable to do so. If you completed more tha"

[New post] 161125

tzstrength posted: "In my most recent video, I discuss the purpose of scaling, and the methods I use to scale workouts: Weightlifting 1) Power Snatch 6-8x1, add 5-10lbs to last week's weight 2) Overhead Squat 3RM, then 90%x3-2-3 Strength Front Squat 1 x Max "