[New post] 160701

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Muscle Snatch 1-1-1, 3x1 2) Snatch 80%x3, 85%x2, 90%x1, build to heavy single, then 80%x2x2 Notes Muscle Snatch: Start at 50%. Build over the first three sets. The weight you perform on the third set should be repeated for the rem"

[New post] 160630

tzstrength posted: "Aerobic Development Run 45 minutes @ 6 Post results to comments."

[New post] 3 Exercises I Won’t Program For Online Clients

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: "While today is not exactly a Workout Wednesday post, it is something important that I think is worth going over. These days, there are tons of fitness professionals offering online training (myself included!), or distance coaching programs. These can be "

[New post] 160629

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Competition Pull + Snatch from Low Blocks 70%x3, 75%x2, 80%x1 (x 2) 2) Snatch Grip Push Press 3RM, 90%x3x5 Gymnastics 1) 10 sets: 30 seconds Handstand Walk 60 seconds rest 2) 10 minutes volume accumulation: Strict Rope Cli"

[New post] 160628

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Pull + Clean + Jerk from Blocks 80%x2, 85%x(1+2+1), 90%x1, build to heavy single, then 80%x(1+2+1)x2 Strength 1) Back Squat 4-4-4-4-4-4, add 5-10lbs to each of your sets from last week Notes First set = +5-10lbs from last week's"

[New post] 160627

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) No Hands/No Feet Snatch from Blocks 1-1-1, 3x1 2) Snatch from Blocks 80%x3, 85%x2, 90%x1, build to heavy single, then 80%x2x2 Notes No Hands/No Feet: Start at 60%. Build over the first three sets. The weight you perform on the thi"

[New post] 160626

tzstrength posted: "Rest Day"

[New post] 160625

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 80%x(1+2+1), 85%x1, 90%x1 (x 2) Strength 1) Back Squat 6x4, 90% of this week's 4 @ 9 2) Pause Back Squat, 2" Above Bottom Position, 5x3 with 80-85% of Tuesday's 4 @ 9 back squat Aerobic Developm"

[New post] 160624

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting 1) No Hands/No Feet Snatch 1-1-1, 3x1 2) Snatch 80%x3, 85%x2, 90%x1 (x 2) Notes No Hands/No Feet Snatch: Start at 60%. Build over the first three sets. The weight you perform on the third set should be repeated for the remaining sets"