I am so extremely proud of being swedish and today it is our nationalday! Yay, congratulations Sweden!!! So what it is that makes me so proud? well, even if the whole world is quite shaky at the moment and we are all struggeling to find a way, I am proud that we are a democratic country that are putting great value in fighting for everyones equality, independent of sex, race, nationality, and everyones right to love whoever they want. I love how we celebrate midsummer and go all in with dance and games. I love how we are social and spontaneous and enjoy our nature (especially in summer). I love how we worship FIKA, fredagsmys and so many other things...

It makes me so happy to see how the nationalday is celebrated more and more in sweden,  because a couple of years ago we didn't celebrate very much. this is probably because the 6th of june is not a day when we celebrate peace or freedom, we "only" celebrate our flag... Sweden has not been in war since 1809, which is a very long time if you look at most other countries...crazy!

anyway, here are a couple of nice pics from my instagram flow, pic that makes my heart beat a bit faster and make me all warm and sweeeeeedish! Thank you @ebba for the sailing picture, @charlotte for swedish strawberries, @viola for walking in a green light swedish forest, @ann for the house with a swedish flag, @swedishfootball for our national team

here are our celebrations pictures from this evening! We made potatoes, shrimps, and eggs, put our football tshirts on and hurried out in the last evening sun! Now i have been watching the royal family on tv, together with many loved swedish artists, nice!

next nationalday is the swiss, 1st of august! then we have to celebrate switzerland, who might have had peace longer than sweden actually...

over and out