Sorry if i sound negative, but the spring/summer in zermatt has so far been SHIT! rainrainrain, windwindierwindiest, snow and then 10min sun! 

Today we only got a few drops and had a fantastic day with sarah and sophia! 

We walked up to zmutt, had late lunch/dessert and enjoyed the "beautiful weather". We are not spoiled so i guess normal people dont consider the pictures as being beautiful weather...

Filippa walked almost the whole way and i was very inpressed by her, but almost more impressed with sarahs and my patience of walking slow..MAJJ GADD, that kid finds intresting things every 50cm...

When my patience finally ended i happily discovered that the ergo baby still works. 3 years old, about 100cm tall and almost 17kg..not bad for a baby carrier that we have used since she was new born...

Thanks sarah and sophia!