Top Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling...

Top Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling...

Hey there,

For those of you that didn't know, I'm away working in Bulgaria at the moment (the picture above is the current view from my hotel room, business class of course ;)). In the last couple of months I've stayed for a week at a time in Dubai, Italy and now Bulgaria. I've been a busy boy! If you travel a lot or are on vacation all of the time you'll know what I mean when I say it completely screws up your healthy eating regime. I always find a gym when I'm away, but when it comes to food the problem is that it's THERE. There's so much temptation at the All-You-Can-Eat breakfast buffet here that it's hard not to grab the waffles, the pancakes, the croissants, the full English breakfast...!

I've got willpower, but oftentimes I give in to the overwhelming temptation of unhealthy food.

Here are some of my top 5 tips for eating healthy on your travels:

You know you're going away, so just like you should be planning your weekly meals whilst at home, you should also be planning as best you can your food while you're away. You're going to be eating hotel food, or eating out, that's a given, but try and set yourself some rules. For example; only having one 'bad' meal each day; only having a dessert if you've had a workout, or; having a big breakfast, big dinner and only a light snack or shake for lunch. Set some rules for yourself and stick to them.

TAKE SOME POWDERS (in your suitcase, and nothing dodgy!)...
When I'm away I always try to take a protein powder, so it's there in case I need to use it as a snack, or at worst as a meal replacement I've there really isn't any other option. I'd also recommend a greens supplement if you don't think you're going to hit your daily quota of fruits and veggies whilst you're away.

For most people booze is one of the biggest problems when traveling. Especially when you're in a warm country and a cold pint, or icy cocktail goes down way too easily. Before you know it you've had 3 or 4 of them and 100g of sugar! Your blood sugar levels are going haywire and it's your gut that has to pay the price. Just do yourself a favour and try to either limit yourself or skip it all together.

It's easy to go up for a second helping of food when you've got an all you can eat buffet sat in front of you. Most hotels will do this at breakfast, and it's so hard to resist the temptation of trying a little of everything. Have a one-plate rule where you can have as much food as you can fit on one-plate, that's fine, but no second-helpings allowed!

Have a workout, things need to be as close to your normal routine as possible. When you're exercising, eating correctly seems to come naturally, and vice versa. When you skip a workout it's easy to just say "screw it" and pretty much let your healthy eating regime fall to pieces. There's no excuse not to get in some cheeky workouts whilst you're away, wether you find a gym, or if it has to be a bodyweight-only workout. This week I've been doing some hill intervals, staircase runs, and pull-up/dip/lunge combos using an outdoor climbing frame I found. No excuses!

I hope some of these tips help the next time you're traveling away from home.

Anyway, got to rush as I need to head to the airport!

Yours in fitness,

P.s., I've got something really cool to share with you soon, but I'm going to keep it under wraps for now. I don't want to spoil it.
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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