My dear hubbie and i came to discuss above happening and mens non existing embarrassement (manners) when it comes to sticking their hands in their pants...

demian and all men claim that they have to "correct" wrong hanging body parts. We all know this is bullshit...they like touching themselves and whereas girls learn that their sexuality and touching themselves is bad and should be hidden, boys are excused with "boys will be boys"...

Girls would not stick a hand in their pants in public if there were 1000 of lice or the undies extremly is NOT NICE MANNERS! 

Now, this is written with a little smiley, but still, a little serious touch...i mean, WTF? Control yourselves! 

Another super enoying bullshit thing that many men do is this: 

This is not only extremly rude towards te woman in the middle, but also one of many ways of "ruling" another person. Signalling I AM BIG, you are small! 

A funny picture below!!! 
Man says: sorry, can you put your legs together a little? 

Woman says: Nope, doesnt work since: 1. I have given birth 2. I have a vagina and i have to let it get air to avoid fungus

(pics stolen from best hejhej vardag)