
1) Snatch 75-85%x2x6
2) Snatch Competition Pull from Deficit, 80%x3, 85%x3, 90%x3x3
3) Hang Clean 2RM, then 90%x2x3


1) 8 minutes volume accumulation: Wall Walk + Walk Away From Wall
2) 12 minutes volume accumulation: Strict Rope Climb, 15' ascent

Wall Walk: Begin in pushup position with hands close to body and strong hollow. Walk the feet and hands up the wall at the same time. Your goal is to maintain the same hip angle and hollow position all the way to the top, rather than walking the hands back, and then the feet up, thereby piking the hips. Briefly pause at the top, then, without using your feet to push away, walk away from the wall. Keep the walk submaximal and controlled. There is no specified distance.
Rope Climb: Begin from seated. Legs hang motionless, do not use them for momentum. The rep is counted upon returning, under control, to the seated position, not upon contacting the top of the rope. For scaling, reduce the height of the climb.


40 Calories Assault Bike
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Power Snatch, 95#/65#
10 Muscle-Ups

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