Check out my awesome back workout from this morning [video]..

Check out my awesome back workout from this morning [video]..


I thought it'd be a nice idea to start filming my own workouts. Since you can see what I actually do myself. I did a shoulders workout video log a while ago, but I thought doing a speedier video with me narrating over it was a nice idea (since who wants to watch more than 3 minutes of me right ;-)).

This was a tough workout and as soon as I started to do some exercises that gym-goers were checking me out doing; I knew it was film worthy and others would be interested. So, here you go, a short (less than 3-minutes) video from this mornings back workout. Enjoy...
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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