
1) Snatch 75-80%x2x6
2) Snatch Competition Pull from Deficit, 80%x3, 85%x3, 90%x2x3
3) Hang Clean 5x2, add 5-10lbs to last week's working weight


1) 8 minutes practicing freestanding handstand, 3'x3' space
2) 8 minutes volume accumulation: Strict Chest-to-Bar Chins

Handstand: The focus here is to practice your static handstand. Your goal is to remain totally static, but so long as you remain within the 3'x3' box, you may continue the set. However, if you're constantly moving, essentially handstand walking to keep yourself up, terminate the set, recover, and start over.
Chins: Supinated Grip. Maintain strong hollow throughout full range, do not break position to initiate the pull. Briefly pause at top. The repetition is counted upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom, not when the chest contacts the bar at the top.


1 Legless Rope Climb, 15' Ascent
15 GHD Sit-Ups
15 Overhead Squats, 135#/95#

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