
1) Competition Pull + Snatch from Blocks 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x1 (x 2)
2) Snatch Grip Push Press 3 @ 7, 3 @ 8, 3 @ 9, plus four down sets (load drop -10%)

Snatch Complex: (x 2) means repeat the sequence. Once you hit 85%, go back to 75% and work back up.


6 minutes volume accumulation:
1 Strict Muscle-Up
2 Strict Ring Dips
3 Strict Chest-to-Ring Pullups

Start in a strong hollow hang with false grip. Maintain hollow throughout full range of motion. Pause briefly at top, turning rings out and emphasizing lockout. Return to the bottom of the dip and perform two more dips, with same pause and turnout as muscle-up. Return to the hollow hang maintaining control all the way to the bottom. Pull up until your clavicle clears the bottom of the rings, with the chest in contact with the ring. Pause briefly before returning to the hollow hang. Each rep is counted upon returning to the hollow hang at the bottom, not upon locking out at the top.

Lactate Threshold

Row 6x500m @ 9, rest 1:2

Gymnastics Accessory

3 x 15 V-Ups + 20 Tuck-Ups + 30 Hollow Rocks

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