[New post] 170131

tzstrength posted: "Strength Back Squat 3 @ 7, 3 @ 8, 3 @ 9, plus three down sets (load drop -10%) Sport 1) As Far as Possible in 14 Minutes: 1 Clean & Jerk, 165#/110# 1 Bar Muscle-Up 2 Clean & Jerks 2 Bar Muscle-Ups 3 Clean & Jerks 3 Bar Muscle-Up"

[New post] Life changes and why I’m leaving athletic training 

sdorsay (itrainthereforeieat) posted: "Most people who are close to me know that I've recently undergone a huge life change (besides that whole growing and giving birth to a human). And the truth is, I'm still coming to terms with it myself, which is why it has taken me until now to write abou"

[New post] 170130

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Snatch 10x2 Every 90 Seconds Notes Start at 70%. Add load after no fewer than two, no more than four good sets. Each set must be completed in a total of fifteen seconds or less, from the bar leaving the ground on the first rep to stan"

[New post] 170129

tzstrength posted: "Rest Day"

[New post] 170128

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Jerk with 2 Count Pause in Split 3RM Notes The set must be completed in no more than twenty seconds total, from dipping to begin the first rep to standing fully with the third rep. Make sure the pause is a full two count. Strength "

[New post] 170127

tzstrength posted: "Weightlifting Snatch without Hook Grip 2RM Notes The set must be completed in no more than ten seconds total, from breaking the first rep from the floor to standing with the second. Do not touch-and-go. Strength Deadlift 3x3, use 80% of 5RM "

[New post] 170126

tzstrength posted: "Assault Bike 40 minutes @ 6 + 75/60 Calorie Surges @ 10:00, 20:00, and 30:00, Bike 75/60 Calories @ 9 Notes Over the course of each 10 minute set, you should be gradually building your pace to a near maximal effort at the allotted time. Then cool d"

[New post] 170125

tzstrength posted: "IMPORTANT: On Wednesday 170125, TZ Strength will be conducting a server transfer as we look to launch a new website. It is likely that the site will be down for 3-5 days. If this is the case, look to the TZ Strength Facebook page for daily training! We"

[New post] 170124

tzstrength posted: "Strength Front Squat 4RM Sport 1) Run 800m Max Muscle-Ups in 1:30 Rest 5 Minutes Run 600m Max Muscle-Ups in 1:00 Rest 4 Minutes Run 400m Max Muscle-Ups in 0:30 Rest 3 Minutes Run 600m Max Muscle-Ups in 1:00 Rest 4 Minutes Run 800m Ma"