
Snatch with 3 Count Pause in Squat 5x2, add 5-15lbs to your triples from two weeks ago

Each set must be completed in no more than fifteen seconds total, from breaking the first rep from the floor to standing with the second. Make sure that the pause is a full three count. Do not touch-and-go.


Push Press 8-8-8-8-8, add 5-10lbs to each of your sets from last week

First set = +5-10lbs from last week's 8 @ 7
Second set = +5-10lbs from last week's 8 @ 8
Third set = +5-10lbs from last week's 8 @ 9
Fourth-Fifth sets = +5-10lbs from last week's load drop sets


Assault Bike
2:00 @ 6 + 2:00 @ 7 + 1:00 @ 8
4x20/15 Calories @ 9-10, rest 2:00 between efforts
4x15/10 Calories @ 9-10, rest 2:00 between efforts
5:00 @ 6

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