IMPORTANT: On Wednesday 170125, TZ Strength will be conducting a server transfer as we look to launch a new website. It is likely that the site will be down for 3-5 days. If this is the case, look to the TZ Strength Facebook page for daily training!


Clean High Liftoff + 5 Count Eccentric + Clean 1RM

The set must be completed in no more than twelve seconds total, from breaking the liftoff from the floor to standing with the clean. Make sure that the eccentric is a full five count. Do not touch-and-go the clean.

Gymnastics Endurance

3 Rounds For Time:
25 Toes-to-Bar
100' Handstand Walk

Handstand Walk: Perform in 10' segments. If you come down between segment lines, you must start over at the beginning of the section inside which you fell.


21-15-9 For Time:
Burpee, touch target 8"/6" outside of max reach
Power Snatch, 135#/95#

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