IMPORTANT: Later this week, TZ Strength will be conducting a server transfer as we look to launch a new website. It is likely that the site will be down for 3-5 days. If this is the case, look to the TZ Strength Facebook page for daily training!


1) Snatch with 3 Count Pause in Squat 2RM

The set must be completed in no more than fifteen seconds total, from breaking the first rep from the floor to standing with the second. Make sure that the pause is a full three count. Do not touch-and-go.


1) Overhead Squat 3 @ 7, 3 @ 8, 3 @ 9
2) Push Press 4x4 @ 8RM Load


2:00 @ 22-24 strokes/minute + 2:00 @ 24-26 strokes/minute + 1:00 @ 26-28 strokes/minute
8x250m @ 38-40+ strokes/minute, rest 2:00 between efforts
1000m @ 22-24 strokes/minute

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