
1) Snatch Pull + Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch, 6x1, add 5-10lbs to your top weight from two weeks ago.


1) Front Squat 1RM
2) Overhead Squat 5 @ 7, 5 @ 8, 5 @ 9, plus two down sets (load drop -10%)


Row 750m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters in 1:30, 55#/35#

Rest 5 Minutes

Row 500m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters in 1:00, 55#/35#

Rest 4 Minutes

Row 250m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters in 0:30, 55#/35#

Rest 3 Minutes

Row 500m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters in 1:00, 55#/35#

Rest 4 Minutes

Row 750m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters in 1:30, 55#/35#

Your score for this workout is your total rowing time, minus two seconds for every dumbbell thruster completed. The clock for your thrusters begins precisely five seconds after you complete the prescribed row distance, i.e. if you finish the 750m row at 3:00, your dumbbell thruster clock begins at 3:05, to allow for transition time.

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