
Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch, 1-1-1, 3x1

Build over the first three sets. The weight you used on the third set should be repeated for the remaining three sets. Aim to find a weight which is challenging, but manageable with sound mechanics. These should be obvious powers, not I-need-instant-replay-to-make-sure-I-was-above-parallel-powers.


Back Squat 90% of 10RM x 3 Reps from Failure x 4


Strict Rope Climb, 5 Sets

Do not use the legs for momentum, they should hang as dead weight, the feet staying just high enough to maintain hollow. You must lower yourself under control all the way to the floor. The long term goal is to be able to complete a perfectly controlled set of 5, touch-and-go at the floor.


For Time:
Run 800m
50 One Legged Squats w/Medicine Ball, 20#/14#
Row 1000m

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