Starting this coming Monday, 160912, TZ Strength will be offering a new service called specialized programming.

Specialized programming is based on the TZ Strength main template, with added emphasis on one of four elements:

The Weightlifting specialized program is focused on the snatch and clean & jerk while continuing to improve gymnastics and endurance abilities. If your snatch and clean & jerk lag behind your overall strength, and if you find yourself struggling with RX'd loads in these movements in WODs, this program may be for you.

The Strength specialized program is exactly what it sounds like. If you are often limited by a lack of strength in the legs, back, and shoulders, this program will help you develop those areas without sacrificing endurance.

The Gymnastics specialized program focuses on increasing strength and endurance in a manner specific to competitive CrossFit. This program is not about the fundamentals, although you'll train them as well, but about creating capacity and proficiency particularly for the sport of fitness.

The Endurance specialized program develops the full spectrum of capacity, ranging from building a robust aerobic base to maximizing anaerobic capacity, all while allowing the athlete to maintain their strength, power, and speed.

These programs are not merely additional work layered on top of the TZ Strength master template. Instead, they represent deliberate manipulation of various aspects of the program to control total training volume, intensity, and robustness while leaning slightly in one direction of development.

If you've been looking for a way to train that suits your needs more closely, go here and fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get started!


1) Clean from 2" Deficit 1RM

Weightlifting Endurance

@ 0:00: Every 30 seconds x 10 sets:
2 Touch-and-Go Power Clean & Jerk, 165#/110#

@ 5:30
Max Power Clean & Jerk in 60 seconds, 165#/110#

Do not pace the 60 second effort. Push to absolute maximum.

Accessory Circuit

Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets:
10 Touch-and-Go Deadlifts
10 Double Kettlebell Press
30-60 Second Hollow Hold


As Far As Possible in 5 Minutes:
60 Wall Ball, 20#/14# to 10'
Row Max Calories in Remaining Time

I stole this from the Cascade Classic, they have good programming, you should check their competition out.


1) Supine Grip Barbell Row 4×10
2) Front Delt Raise 3×10
3) Lateral Delt Raise 3×10
4) Rear Delt Fly 3×10
5) Biceps Curls 3×10
6) Overhead Triceps Extensions 3×10

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