yehepp, STEIL IST GEIL is over and i am almost done with all boring (but important) work that comes after an event. Write down everything that can get better next year, lists and phone numbers to make everything easier and thousands of other things...the fun parts i did first, upload result lists and photos on the homepage, in a couple of minutes the video is finished (have had major problems with finding music that I am allowed to play, youtube blocked and took away "hymn for the weekend" with coldplay) and then I only have to improve some word documents!

since i see the light in the tunnel i can barely stop myself from putting my teeth in to next project, HEALTHY SNACKS FOR CHILDREN, or in german "Gesunde Zwischenmahlzeiten für Kinder"! Got the opportunity to have a workshop organised by Fea Zermatt, and I am so excited!

Snacks and meals in between the main meals are my favorite and i could preferably eat that instead of lunch and dinner. And if you know how to do snacks healthy and with variation i guess i in one way could...side track...

Anyway, October 5th is the date!!! More info below!

Sign up and come and learn more about the magic world of healthy snacks!!!


Skärmavbild 2016-09-19 kl. 14.41.29.png