What to look forward to, and get the METABOLIC EDGE for just 9.99!!

What to look forward to, and get the METABOLIC EDGE for just 9.99!!

Hey, it's been a while!

I'm sure you were wondering if I'd stopped sending emails, and instead decided to go galavanting across the U.S?!

Well unfortunately not, and I'm back now, and I've been working on some things that I want to share with you:

1. In case you didn't know we're teaming up with Musclefood to do a giant giveaway to one lucky follower to celebrate us hitting the 25k mark on Instagram. You have to be on Instagram and follow me to know what it's about, so if you're not then get on it (@thefitnessmaverick).

2. Behind the scenes we're working on a HUGE project. Proper hush-hush. Can't say anything about it right now, but me and my team are spending a lot of time on it now and over the next few months to make sure you get the very best product of its type out there. I'm super excited, but I'll be sure to share it with you first!

3. More Fitness Maverick industry experts will be coming on board to bring you more useful online content and other cool stuff. WE'RE GETTING BIGGER!!!

4. The fitness Maverick website is always evolving to bring you better and easier to read resources. So be sure to check out the latest articles on there. I just popped one up on SLEEP so be sure to check that one out - www.thefitnessmaverick.com

5. The NEW IMPROVED and REVISED version of the Metabolic Edge e-book has finally been released today!! It's even better than the original, easier to get hold of and access, and I've decided that as I want EVERYBODY to be able to get hold of this LEAN MUSCLE PLAN; it's just £9.99!!!

It's on Amazon (U.K. And U.S.) too, but checkout the direct link to the website below to get a feel for it before you buy it (ps there's a money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you so nothing to lose [apart from body fat!!] and lots of gainzzz to make).

Hope you have a great day!
The Fitness Maverick Retail Unit 5 Rockingham Road Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE167QE United Kingdom

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