
Push Press 95% of 10RM x 1 Rep from Failure x 4

If you need significantly more work on strict HSPU than you do on push press, and/or if push press is likely to have a larger negative impact on your HSPU than vice versa, you may perform HSPU before push press.


Strict Deficit Handstand Pushup, 5 Sets

Select a deficit which allows you to work in sets of 3-5 with good mechanics. Once you can complete 5x5 with good form, increase the deficit.


For Time:
Run 400m
10 Handstand Pushups, Full Range
Run 400m
15 Handstand Pushups, 6"/4" Deficit
Run 400m
20 Handstand Pushups
Run 400m


Run 6x400m @ 9, Rest 1 minute between efforts

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