
Power Clean + Jerk 1-1-1, 3x1

Build over the first three sets. The weight you used on the third set should be repeated for the remaining three sets. Aim to find a weight which is challenging, but manageable with sound mechanics. These should be obvious powers, not I-need-instant-reply-to-make-sure-I-was-above-parallel-powers.


1) Deadlift 95% of 8RM x 1 Rep from Failure x 4
2) Touch-and-Go Deadlift 1 x Max Reps @ 405#/275#

Touch-and-Go: Do not sacrifice mechanics for more repetitions. You must be able to control the eccentric on every rep (it must be the same speed or slower than the concentric). Do not bounce the bar off the floor. If you are likely to complete more than 20 repetitions, add weight.


10 Rounds For Time:
20 Double Unders
5 Dumbbell Squat Snatch, 55#/35#, alternating

Dumbbell Squat Snatch: Start with a different arm each round.

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